The Secretly Rich Man

Chapter 308

Chapter 308

Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man Novel (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 308 “Violence, you say? Heh! You were lucky you escaped the hospital when you did, let me tell you… otherwise, you would’ve been admitted there that night!” the young woman cackled. “I’ve been searching for the two of you so I can get my revenge—how nice of you to allow me to find you here instead!”

“Miss Liara, is this the punk who was bothering you last time?”

“Pfft. Just a couple of losers. And here I thought it might be someone special and that’s why we couldn’t track them down. You must be tired of being alive, huh? Trying to start something with our Miss Liara!”

Several men were posturing hopefully for Liara’s approval.

“Miss Liara, I know these two! The girl is one of my classmates. Her name is Queta Smith. That guy seems to be her boyfriend!”

Linda finally understood what was going on here. One moment they’d been welcoming Miss Liara, and the next, she was pointing at Queta and shrieking for someone to grab her.

And then, Miss Liara slapped Queta right across the face.

So… Queta had been stupid enough to draw Miss Liara’s ire.

Beside herself with excitement, Linda scrambled to tell on the offending duo.

Liara was a big-time celebrity in Sunnydale University, with Rye Group behind her and all.

She was one of the empresses of the campus, haughty and forbidding. No one dared to cross her.

In fact, matters of reputation played a major part in why Liara was holding such a grudge against them. That night, she’d planned to put on a big show in front of her uncle’s men. That was why she’d showed up all of a sudden, aiming to be the first one on the scene to take charge of everything.

Instead, she’d crossed paths with an ignorant fool who wouldn’t allow her to cut in line.

Damn him! He deserved the worst fate imaginable.

She was the renowned Miss Liara! If not for the sake of appearances, would she even have bothered with getting in line?

What a joke!

The point was that she was very upset over the whole affair. She’d managed to keep it bottled up at the time, until they were finished with visiting Uncle Damien. Then, she’d summoned a small army of men to hunt down Gerald, but he’d slipped through the net.

And yet, what a beautiful coincidence this was!

“Hey, seize that guy too!” Liara shrieked jubilantly. “Ahaha! This is the best birthday present I could possibly receive! I’m going to enjoy this to the fullest!”

Immediately, Gerald was pinned down by a whole horde of guys.

He hadn’t expected that girl to be a student here at Sunnydale.

“Liara, your beef is with me! She’s got nothing to do with this—let her go!”

Held down and unable to escape, Gerald knew that his time had finally come.

But what about Queta? She was completely innocent.

“Hahaha! So this is true love! But the more you beg me to let her go, the more I want to punish her too! I’m going to make an example of you two! You over there, give them each a sharp slap across the face! And you, start streaming this live! Make sure everyone knows what happens to those who cross Miss Liara!” This last command was directed toward Linda and was accompanied by a huge grin.

This appointment caused Linda to puff up with pride.

Her main goals in university were to catch a big fish and to make powerful friends. That was how she would get ahead in life.

All of a sudden, she was this close to Miss Liara already?

Sneering wickedly, she moved to stand in front of Gerald and Queta.

“You heard it yourself—I’m carrying this out by Miss Liara’s command. Blame yourself for not knowing your place, like ants railing against the heavens, hahaha!”

Smack! Smack! She meted out the punishment upon Gerald and Queta as ordered.

Quite a number of students were streaming this scene on their phones. Naturally, many of them had been doing so right from the start. Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

“Holy cow! Elena, check this out! Miss Liara is staging a public execution in Surati Restaurant! Who’s the unlucky fellow who ticked her off? LMAO!”

In a girls’ dorm somewhere, someone was announcing this news flash.

“Gosh, she’s even appointed a professional headswoman…what a drama queen!” another girl exclaimed. “Elena, let’s get down there now and see it for ourselves!”

“I’m not going!” Or so she said, but Elena glanced over at the video anyway before turning away again in disinterest, and flopping down in bed to continue using her phone.

A long moment passed, and then…

“What the hell?”

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