Unspoken Pleasure

Bedding The Babysitter: Ep26


Have you ever wondered

Who you are?

I have

Every single day




My sexuality

Hid it

Deep down inside for

I was a wallflower

Always on the outside

Looking in


That all changed when


Found me that day and



Kissed me gently and



Fell to my knees


To please her



Stocking-covered legs and


Accepted who I was as


Extended my tongue and

I had a


Mistress and

I knew that


Would become the


Submissive and





Now I have something I can




I woke up excited, knowing that tonight was a special night with Mistress Megan and that I probably would be allowed to cum… and if I didn’t real soon, I might just explode. I wore my PomPom Outfit with red thigh thighs which I thought were really hot since red is a school colour, and hip as I would definitely stand out. As instructed by Mistress Karen I also wore heels, although the only pair I owned (except for those really dress-up ones Mistress Megan bought me on Saturday, and I couldn’t wear those to school) were a lame pair with a stubby little one-inch heel. I was waiting by the door and as soon as Karen pulled up I rushed out of the house before Mom could object to today’s outfit.

The look on Karen’s face was indescribable as she saw me in the red stockings. She said these flattering words to me, “Wow, that is fucking hot! I’ve got to get some of those!” Her hand moved to my leg to feel the silk fabric.

“Thanks!” I responded, very happy to please her, “I thought you would like them.”

“Your shoes on the other hand,” she said with disapproval, “have got to go.”

“I know, but they’re all I have,” I said with a sigh.

“What size are you?” Karen asked, “A six?”

“Yes,” I said back.

“We have the same size then,” she said, as she started driving with a U-turn. “We’re going back to my place.”

She started driving and asked how the poem went. I read it to her and she gasped as it got dirtier. “Wow,” she said amazed, “That’s so hot! You really are turning into a sex machine, aren’t you?”

I shrugged and said, “It seems so.”

We arrived at Karen’s mansion, I had assumed she was rich and now that assumption became a fact. She said, “Wait here,” and went inside. She came out a couple of minutes later with a pair of black three-inch pumps. She handed them to me and said, “Put these on.”

I put them on as Karen drove us to school. As I got out of the car I realized I’d never had three-inch heels on before. I almost stumbled twice early on but then got the hang of it. As we entered the school I got even more looks than yesterday. The red stockings stood out so much that everyone who saw them did a doubletake! When we arrived at Karen’s locker, bitch Sabrina (like I was calling her in my head) shook her head in disgust and said, “Jenny, could you look like a bigger slut if you tried?”

Karen quickly defended me by saying, “It’s a brilliant idea, and tomorrow we’ll all be wearing red. Secondly, calling Jenny a slut is a bit chancy, don’t you think, Miss Free Spirit?” Karen glared at Sabrina, who was seething right back, but said nothing in response to being called a slut by the head cheerleader.

Ashley came up behind me and said, “Wow, Jenny, red stockings are a great idea! Why didn’t any of us think of that?”

I turned around, looked up at her and said, “Thanks. It was just a spur of the moment thing. I had a pair and thought, what the heck.”

“Well, good call,” Ashley said as the bell rang. The rest of the morning went by as a blur. A quiz in History, a lot of strange looks, a few boys drooling; even a couple of girls seemed to be giving me special attention (the good kind, not jealousy like some of the rest). While yesterday I’d been conflicted about my new popularity, it was now becoming addictive. I was beginning to like the looks, even though I still knew they were nothing about the real me. Based on their expressions, Sally and Eleanor were even more baffled by my appearance today. They had no idea how to react to my new legs.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

I met Karen at her locker to head into Miss Morgan’s English class. As we walked, Karen instructed me, “Remember, be confident. In your mind, every boy here wants to fuck you and every girl wants to eat you.” As we entered class, she added, “Including hot teachers.”

Miss Morgan’s expression changed the second she saw me. I walked up to her, confident on the outside, an insecure mess on the inside, as I handed her my poem and said seductively, or at least trying for seductive (remember Marilyn Monroe when she played a dimwit trying for vampy?), “Here is my poem, Miss Morgan. I think you will really enjoy it.” I then turned around and sat down at my desk.

Miss Morgan sat down at her desk and began to read my poem, and her face went redder and redder as she read each well-chosen word. When she finished, she looked at me and saw I was staring at her, so she quickly looked away and placed my assignment upside down on her desk. As class began, I could tell she was trying not to look at me, but I was in the front row and dead center so I was hard to miss. As instructed by Mistress Karen, I dangled my shoe and when she avoided looking at my legs for too long, I dropped the shoe to the floor. As expected, she looked down. She lectured for a couple of minutes before she gave us time to take a quiz about the short story we’d just read. Miss Morgan went to her desk and began marking last night’s assignments. I looked up on a few occasions to see if she was looking my way but didn’t ever catch her glancing at me at all. Suddenly I realized how foolish I’d been. She wasn’t interested in me, she was just surprised and perhaps concerned by my new appearance. The bell rang and I scuttled out of the room and went to cheerleading practice with Karen.

It was another exhausting practice, but everything seemed a bit easier this time. I’d completed the heavy lifting of memorizing the chants and cheers by the end of this second day, and the dance numbers were getting easier. Stamina-wise I was still weak, but I did seem to have a bit more energy than I’d had the day before.

On the drive home, Karen and I stopped at the mall and she bought twenty-five pairs of red thigh high stockings. She also bought twenty-five pairs of black ones, which matched the trim on our cheerleading outfits, plus twenty white pairs which was all they had, white being our other school colour. I couldn’t imagine ever having so much money just to throw around on a whim! Just under 400 bucks and one incredibly curious saleslady later, we were driving back home. Karen said, “So what do you think, Miss Morgan is definitely a dyke?”

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