Unspoken Pleasure

Bedding The Babysitter: Ep54

Hi, this is Jenny. Once Karen and I reached my bedroom, I tried to erase the shocking scene I had just witnessed from my mind. I simply couldn’t believe my Mother had sexually submitted to one of my friends, even though Karen had… not just warned me but bragged to me… over and over again she was going to do it.

Karen, pretty much naked, was still bragging, “I told you I could get her to submit.”

“So you did,” I gave her, unsure how I was possibly going to deal with talking to my Mom (or even facing my Mom) now that each of our naughty secrets had been exploded in each others’ faces in such embarrassing ways. I was mortified by how abruptly my Mother had been informed of my sexual identity and my emotions were numb from hearing her own story of submitting to Karen. And now I hadn’t had any time to process all this information before I had to get ready for my first date ever! I pictured myself arriving for my date with this wonderful girl I had such high hopes for a delightful relationship with and greeting her hollowly with, “I need to tell you what just happened to my Mom,” as I looked like death warmed over. I’d need to pull it together and do far better than that!

“She was even easier than I thought she’d be,” Karen gloated with a smile.

Trying to change the subject, not wanting to talk about my Mother’s sex life especially the humiliation part, I reminded her, “I finished my seduction of Miss Morgan.”

“I can’t fucking believe it,” Karen responded, happy for me, happy I’d done what she’d ordered and clearly surprised by my success even though all last week she’d been the voice of rah rah encouragement. “Do tell.”

I retold the whole afternoon-long saga from the initial rejection ordeal, to the hands of fate bringing us back together, to the inevitable climax (actually several wonderful climaxes for each of us) when I went back to her place.

“Wow,” Karen said, impressed, “now you’re both the hunter and the prey!”

I shrugged.

“The question is, which of those roles will you be playing tonight?” Karen questioned.

I reflected on the question. It was a good one. In every other sexual encounter it had been crystal clear I was the submissive, other than my seduction of Miss Morgan, I suppose. But with Ashley it was different. “I don’t know.”

Karen’s phone rang and it was her Mom. “I’m at Jenny’s. What? I was? Fine, I’m on my way.” Karen hung up. “I was supposed to babysit my little brother, like ten minutes ago. I have to go. I guess I’d better go and untie your Mom.”

“Good call,” I agreed with her understatement, shaking my head at the absurdity of my brand-new universe.

She left and I, in a tizzy over what to wear, how to act, and scared even to look at my Mom, decided to go to Megan, the capable Mistress (but also trusted mentor) who had started it all, and ask her for advice.

I knocked on her door and was so thankful when she answered. Her genuine smile told me she was happy to see me too, just not desperate. “Well hi, Jenny. Max is going to freak out!”

A second later that prediction came true as Megan’s two-year-old son Max attacked my legs screaming, “Wenny!” It took fifteen minutes of playing before he calmed down a bit and I promised, “I’ll come back and play if I can, but I need to talk to your Mommy, ok?”

“Ok, Wenny,” he agreed, watching some kid TV show I no longer was cool enough to recognize.

“Kay, Wenny,” he agreed, plopping down to watch some kid TV show I was no longer cool enough to recognize.

Megan had poured iced tea for us and thanked me, “Thanks for doing that for Max, you’re so good with him! But it looks like now I need to try to do some good for you: what’s bothering you, dear?”

“How do you know something is bothering me?” I asked.

“Am I wrong?” she asked, her hand falling to my knee.

I sighed, “No, my dear perceptive Mistress, you’re not wrong at all.” I unloaded all the sordid details of my recent life, the good and the bad and the preposterous and my fear of how to deal with my Mom after what I’d witnessed and what she’d learned about me and… and… my wonderful but terrifying upcoming date.Nôvel(D)ra/ma.Org exclusive © material.

Megan listened without interruption before responding. “Well, that’s a lot for any eighteen-year-old to deal with. But my strongest concern is about Amy.”

“My Mom? Why?” I asked.

“Well, sure your Mom just had it confirmed you’re a lesbian, but foremost in her own mind must be that she was just now totally humiliated in front of her only daughter, who said nothing supportive to her at the time except you didn’t want to be her Mistress. I’m sure that came as good news to her, but in her fragile state could also be seen as a rejection. Then you walked out of the room without a word or even a glance… yes? Right. So to her that was even worse, and then once Karen finally untied her she would have found you’d left the house without even talking to her. I can easily understand why you felt compelled to do that, but to her it could only have looked like further rejection: you must have left because you were disgusted with her! I can only imagine how emotionally unstrung and abandoned she must feel right now,” Megan pointed out.

“Darn, you’re right! I am such a bad daughter!” I sighed, tears beginning to form.

“No, what you are is an amazing young lady who is finally coming to grips with who she is sexually. But you’re lucky enough that you found out what you are when you were eighteen; Amy is just learning right now. You followed your natural instincts when crisis or upheaval comes unexpectedly… fight or flight, and you chose flight.”

“But I really need to go to her,” I acknowledged. “She needs me.”

“Yes you do and yes she does. But a word: first and foremost, remember she’ll be very fragile right now. Although she’s the adult, right now it needs to be your turn to be there for her. If she wants to talk about what she did, just let her do that and love her. Talk to her. Listen to her. If she wants to talk about you, then open up to her, tell her as much as she wants to know and trust her. Let her feel less like an unforgiveable slut and more like a nurturing mother by helping you with your life and your date, ” Megan instructed me, her maternal side flowing out of her… showing no sign of the sexy seductress she also was.

“Ok,” I agreed, standing up, although still scared of the conversation I was about to face.

“Jenny, I am always here for you. I am your friend first and your Mistress second, although I wouldn’t mind seeing you again soon for the latter,” she smiled, implying she was already missing the intimacy we had shared only last Tuesday.

“I would like that, Mistress,” I agreed and Megan wrapped her arms around me for a warm embrace of security.

“Thanks, I can do this… I hope,” I said, when our long embrace ended.

“You’re welcome, Jenny, and yes you can do this. I will always be here for you.”

I left and returned next door to my house and my Mom. I paused at my front door, still with no idea of what to say. Taking a deep breath nevertheless, I opened the door to face a conversation I never in a million years thought I would have.

Mom was vacuuming, which shouldn’t have been a surprise. When she is stressed, she cleans, even if the house is already spotless, which it already was since yesterday was her usual cleaning day. I don’t think she even heard me come in until I said timidly, “Hi, Mom.”

She turned around and the terror in her eyes broke my heart. I had recently been petrified to tell my Mom about my recently discovered true sexual identity, and now it was my Mom who had to woman up to a similar daunting conversation with me. Her first words were, not surprisingly, a tearful apology. “Jenny, I am so, so, sorry you had to witness what you did!”

I replied, rushing towards her, “I’m sorry too, Mom! I’m the one who unleashed Karen on you. This is all my fault!” Not surprisingly, there were tears flooding down my face, too.

“Oh honey, you aren’t the one to blame for my weakness and my loneliness,” she replied, tears already beginning to drip off the bottom of her face.

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