Unspoken Pleasure

Bedding The Babysitter: Ep67

I jumped in, feeling guilty about seeing Karen looking so vulnerable and needed to interject, “But Miss Morgan said she liked submitting to Karen. She even said she might want to do it again.”

“That may indeed be true, Jenny. I believe Karen has a natural gift of sensing the submissive inside if it’s there. But Karen, that doesn’t mean you may ever use blackmail or risk someone’s career to get what you want. If you are who I think you are, you’ll end up hating yourself if you continue doing things like that.”

Karen looked at me and said sincerely, “I’m very sorry, Jenny.”

She then turned to Ashley. “I’m sorry to you too, Ashley. I let my power override my common sense.”

“Good,” Megan nodded. She looked at Ashley as if expecting a response. When none came, she continued, “Every good Mistress needs to understand the humility of being a submissive. I learned that from my Mistress, and Karen will learn that from me.”

Karen, without orders, dropped to her knees in front of Megan and said, “I understand, Mistress. How can I regain your trust?”

Megan opened her legs and said aggressively, “Eat me, bitch; I think that will be a good start.”

Both Ashley and I watched the usually strong-willed head cheerleader bury her face between Megan’s legs… her humility being tested. On the surface it appeared Mistress Megan had become no more then the domme she had just been disparaging. But I could see how it was satisfying Karen’s need to understand, to grow.

“Now you, Jenny,” Megan said, turning to me and acting casual as if she weren’t having her pussy licked.

“Yes, Mistress?” I nodded, unsure whether I was in trouble or not.

“What do you want?” she asked bluntly.

“What do you mean?” I asked, even though I knew exactly what she was asking. What I didn’t know was the answer.

“Not even two weeks ago you were lusting after Karen and eagerly asking me to make her your Mistress.”

“Things change,” Ashley said.

Megan turned to her. “Ashley, you appear to be a nice girl and a passionate person who cares deeply for Jenny and her welfare. I get that. But this is my home and at the moment I am speaking with her, is that clear?”

Her voice was firm and no nonsense, yet not condescending or rude.

“Yes, ma’am,” Ashley nodded.

“Thank you,” Megan smiled. “You are a beautiful young woman, inside and out.”

“Thank you,” Ashley blushed, getting caught in the exotic seductive web Megan always created without even trying.

“Now Jenny, you can’t fluctuate about being a pet,” Megan continued. “You are one or you aren’t one. It’s not a club you can attend on Tuesdays and take the rest of the week off.”

“I know,” I whispered, distracted by watching Karen between her legs and wishing it was me.

“For example,” she continued, running her fingers through Karen’s hair. “If I told you to go to Sabrina’s right now and be her unconditional pet for the evening, would you do it?”

I didn’t look at Ashley, not wanting to disappoint her. But the answer was black and white. I answered, “I would obey you, Mistress.”

“And if Karen gave you the same instruction?” Megan continued.

I clearly saw her message. I didn’t get to pick and choose my obedience. Either I was a submissive pet to a Mistress or I wasn’t.

I answered, still avoiding looking at Ashley, fearing our relationship was over before it had really begun, but thankful for one last satisfying romantic encounter just twenty minutes ago (was it just twenty minutes ago? It seemed an eternity). “I’d obey.”

“Good answer,” Megan nodded, letting out a soft moan. “Because your Mistresses should never put you in situations that will put you at real risk, although we may often put you in situations that test and push your boundaries.”

“Of course, Mistress.” I nodded, her words making complete sense. Yet, I still felt guilt at not standing side by side with Ashley.

“That said,” Megan continued, “A good caring Mistress would never do such a thing to her pet as sending her to a Sabrina unless she knows that’s what the pet wants or needs. And by the way Karen, a pet’s needs must always trump her wants. You may override her wants almost on a whim if you have cause, but never her needs.”

Ashley asked, “Ma’am, may I ask a question?”

“Of course, my dear,” Megan nodded, sounding more like a mother figure or philosophy teacher than a powerful Mistress. “But remember, please call me Megan.”

“Right, sorry, Megan… Megan, I understand what you just said. But how do you balance it? I mean, I’ve always been a rather submissive person myself. Yet today I totally lost it. I felt the need to protect my Jenny at all costs and acted on it at all costs,” Ashley said, looking vulnerable. Had she committed some sort of unforgivable sin today?

“Well, that is a tough question,” Megan nodded. “It’s nature versus nurture. Your nature is who you are and in sexual terms, determines whether you’re a natural submissive or dominant. Although some girls can be a switch, meaning dominant or submissive depending on mood, relationship and time. As for nurture, we’re all human beings with feelings, and it’s a caring woman’s natural role to nurture and protect the person they care most about. So in the end, your reactions and feelings today make complete sense. In essence, all I have to say about that is, ‘Well done.'”

“Really?” Ashley asked, completely taken by Megan just as I’d been from the start.

“Of course, my dear,” Megan nodded. “I’m pretty sure you’re also only a few steps along the path to understanding your sexuality. Like the rest of us, you have a long journey.”

“Oh, I’m definitely a lesbian,” Ashley stressed, looking at me.

“That may well be and I won’t disagree with you,” Megan nodded, “but your basic sexual orientation is only the first step to understanding your sexuality. The complete picture is very complex and it takes years to completely understand who you are as a sexual being.”

“What do you mean?” Ashley asked confused, thankfully asking the very question I was burning to ask.

“Well, for example: Do you prefer to dominate? To be dominated? If being dominated is your basic nature, do you respond best to humiliation or to being controlled with kindness, or sometimes one and sometimes the other? Do you yearn to dominate or submit or both, making you a Switch? Do you yearn to give the strap-on or take the strap-on? What toys get you off the best? If there were no physical restrictions what would send you furthest into ecstasy? Where is your g-spot? Your trigger zones? What are your most longed-for fantasies?” Megan listed on and on, touching on fetishes like bondage, exhibitionism, voyeurism, choking, latex and on and on.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“Oh my,” Ashley responded, overwhelmed by this endless list.

“It took me years to learn that I get the most satisfaction from seducing and training young women who are obviously lesbian or bi but haven’t yet come to grips with that reality,” Megan explained, looking directly at me.

I nodded my understanding and yes… my gratitude.

“The key to being a Mistress instead of a thug is that you need to care about your pet,” Megan said, lifting up Karen’s head from between her legs and asking her face to face, “Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Karen answered, looking so obedient and so submissive.

Megan shoved her trainee mistress back into her pussy and said, “So Jenny, you have a decision to make. You can resign from being a submissive and return to the so-called normal world, or you must resolve to be a true pet and accept that your Mistress, or in your case Mistresses, know what is best for you. Two different paths, one or the other, and once you decide, no turning back.”

I looked helplessly at Ashley, feeling torn apart.

I wanted it all! I longed to bury my face in Megan’s pussy, I yearned to be a submissive to Karen and I also desperately needed to be in a relationship with Ashley. I had no idea what to say, and once again the room went silent endlessly in another one of Megan’s pregnant pauses.

Then Megan, wonderful Megan, my beautiful and wise Mistress Megan, reading my mind like she often did, added, “And yes, sweetheart, you can have it all.”

That statement felt like she’d just dumped a huge bucket of ice water on my despair! “What? Really? How?” I was stunned by how quickly I found myself pleading, “Oh God, Mistress, please tell me how!”

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