Unspoken Pleasure (erotica)

Her Scooping Wet Pussy #1

Zoe couldn’t understand what was happening to her. She was 18 years old, soon to be off to college, yet here she was in the shower masturbating furiously–and all because of her next-door neighbor. And it wasn’t as if Dave, the man in question, was some kind of bronzed tennis-playing demi-God.

She didn’t know for sure, but she thought he was at least 40, if not a bit older. He was neither tall nor especially well-built. Yet there was something about his smile, his gentle sense of humor as they chatted, and the way he looked her straight in the eyes with a knowing glint, that was steadily driving her mad with lust.

This was becoming a habit – as soon as the Friday morning tennis lesson finished if Dave had been there (and he usually was – even though he worked, he had explained to her that he arranged his schedule so that he could play tennis on Fridays), she said her goodbyes then rushed to her car, drove the few minutes home, dropped her racket and bag in the hall and went straight upstairs to her bedroom.

There she pulled off her tennis shirt and shorts, slid her hand into her panties, deliberately tantalizing herself by playing with her pubic hair and around the sides of her labia before finally succumbing to her burning desire to cum, plunging her fingers inside her sopping wet pussy and quickly taking herself over the precipice.

If she was too hot and sweaty to lie on the bed, she would go into the bathroom and tear her clothes off quickly, abandoning them on the floor in complete contrast with her normal orderly manner. Turning the shower on full blast and immersing herself in the hot water, her nipples would harden as the jets massaged her breasts. Then, taking the showerhead and holding it between her legs, she would angle the water up on to her pussy and ass while rubbing herself vigorously with her other hand.

Zoe was surprised that she didn’t feel at all guilty about her lust and her frantic masturbation, but she rationalized to herself that it was only a fantasy and nothing was ever likely to happen. Even now, so soon after a huge orgasm, she could feel her pussy start to moisten and throb slightly as her mind wandered back to Dave

They had teamed up for the doubles that morning at the tennis club and played well, winning most of the games they played and finding a rhythm to their partnership which even their highly critical coach had praised. At the end of the session, they had shaken hands and Dave had put his left hand on her bare arm, looking into her steel blue eyes with his deep brown ones and saying ‘Well played, partner, we were hot together today!”

Zoe knew that he had probably meant nothing more by this, but she couldn’t help trying to read something into it and his lingering touch on her arm. To her regret, Dave always had to leave promptly at the end so that he could get to work, and she had had little chance to talk to him properly.

The time between the Friday tennis lessons seemed to Zoe to take longer each week, but finally, the next Friday arrived and to her relief, it was a warm and sunny morning. She hummed happily to herself as she changed into her tennis clothes and took her racket out of the hall cupboard, and was virtually skipping with excitement as she went out to the car.

Zoe was early for the lesson and the previous class was still going. She went into the clubhouse to get some water and to her delight found Dave sitting there, checking something on his phone.

“Good morning, partner,” he said cheerily as he saw her come in, “and how are you on this lovely sunny day?”

“Fine, thank you,” Zoe replied, her head full of all the things she wanted to say but managing to resist the temptation, and instead just going on, “You’re early this week, you usually arrive just as we’re about to start.” She wanted Dave to know that she noticed him and was also probing to see if he might give her any leads.

To her inner delight, he replied: “Yes, I know I’m usually running late, no need to rub it in – but I’m at a bit of a loose end today, and have been given the day off!”

“Oh lucky you!” exclaimed Zoe.

“Not really”, Dave said, “I have no idea where to have lunch after tennis today.”

“Oh well, you could come over after the game for coffee and a sandwich if you like…”, Zoe blurted out, not letting herself stop to think about what she was doing. She couldn’t look at Dave as he answered, hoping against hope that he would say yes.

“That would be lovely, that’s very sweet of you, but are you sure it wouldn’t be any trouble? I don’t want to get in the way of any plans you have.”

“No, really, I only have some boring work to do and some emails to write and I would love a distraction from those, it would be no trouble at all.”Content rights by NôvelDr//ama.Org.

“Well then, thank you, I would love to,” Dave replied.

As they headed out on to the courts for the lesson, Zoe could believe neither her luck at his being free nor her boldness at inviting him.

She wondered momentarily whether she was taking too big a risk, but decided that despite her fantasies that nothing was likely to happen. Dave had a girlfriend as far as she knew, and it would just be nice to chat.

The lesson was a demanding one, and to their surprise, Zoe and Dave played well together, having a good understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and they enjoyed their partnership, celebrating their 3-1 victory with high fives.

They left the court together and headed out to their cars. “See you in a few minutes,” Zoe said, and Dave agreed, getting into his car which was parked just opposite hers. Zoe’s heart was beating fast as she started the engine, partly from the exercise, but also from the excitement of knowing that this man was coming to her house, by himself, with a few free hours ahead of them.

Zoe parked in her drive and saw Dave pull up in his driveway. Before getting out of the car she took a couple of deep breaths, trying to steady the butterflies in her stomach and stop her hands shaking with excited anticipation. By the time she reached for the car door, Dave was standing on the drive next to it, and he courteously held the door open for her and then shut it after she had gotten out. She led the way into the house, almost babbling in her excitement: “Come in, this way, that’s great…”

Calming down a little now that they were inside, Zoe asked Dave if he wanted coffee or a cold drink, and then had a sudden flash of lust-driven inspiration.

“I’m being really stupid.” she began, “You must want a shower, it was quite a workout. Why don’t you use our guest bathroom while I get us drinks and something to eat? I can let you have towels and anything else you might need…”

“Are you sure that’s not too much trouble? I don’t want to impose.”, Dave replied, and Zoe quickly reassured him, wanting to get Dave naked in her house and trying to work out how she could then make use of the situation to her advantage.

She took Dave upstairs to the bathroom, and then the devil working inside her head had another cunning idea.

“You get started,” Zoe said, “I just need to get you towels and a robe, so if you don’t mind, leave the door unlocked and I’ll bring the stuff in once I hear that you’re in the shower. I promise not to peek!”

“Oh, don’t worry at all, I’m a grown man. I’m not shy. But what about you, don’t you want to have a shower? I don’t want to stop you.”

Zoe wondered where this conversation might be going but tried not to read too much into Dave’s comments, especially as his tone seemed very light-hearted. She told him that she could wait, showed him where the shampoo and shower gel were and left the bathroom, giddy with excitement as she heard him taking his clothes off and turning on the water.

She grabbed a towel and bathrobe from the hall closet, waited a few seconds and then quietly went into the bathroom. Dave was already in the shower, facing away from her but giving her an excellent view of his butt through the glass door as he shampooed his hair. She didn’t think he had heard her come in and she watched for a minute or two before making some noise so that he knew she was there.

“I’ve left the stuff, are you OK? Do you need anything else?” Zoe asked, not wanting to leave the room yet.

“Someone to wash my back would be nice.” was the very surprising reply.

Zoe paused, thinking Dave must be joking, and then as she was about to make a joke of it herself and leave, he went on: “No, really, I don’t want to hog this lovely shower. You must want one as much as I do, so why don’t you join me, partner?”

“Are you sure?” she blurted out, “I mean, I’d love to, can’t think of anything better, but only if you mean it.”

Dave had turned around now and she could see his naked body, albeit through the shower door, which was covered in water and shampoo foam. She couldn’t make out his cock clearly but from what she could see he seemed to be partly erect, although he was holding one hand slightly in front of it, perhaps to preserve his modesty if his offer was refused.

“Oh Zoe, I mean it all right, I want to share your shower with you, please take your things off and join me.”

Zoe needed no more prompting and quickly pulled off her tennis shorts and top, unhitched her bra and pulled down her panties. She had done this so many times before on a Friday ready to get into the shower and touch herself, but this was infinitely more exciting.

She pulled open the shower door; Dave had turned around again and she stood behind him. She poured some gel into her hands and began to massage it into his shoulders and back, feeling him start at her touch and then pressing back towards her as she rubbed him.

“That’s good”, he murmured as she continued rubbing him and kneading his tense shoulders. Zoe moved one hand round on to Dave’s chest now, still from behind him but pressing herself closer against his back as she did so, her nipples hard against his skin. She put her left hand on his hip, holding him as she moved her other hand further down his front.

She enjoyed discovering the different parts of his body with her hand, having felt his abundantly hairy chest, contrasting with the smooth skin of his stomach. She knew now she was near the point of no return, the point where this fun but still relatively innocent massage was going to turn into something much more – at least she hoped against hope that it was – and she paused.

Dave put his right hand on hers and, still facing away from her but speaking more firmly said: “It’s o. k., don’t stop, I want this to go on if you do.”

It was as if he had read her mind, so closely did his words echo those unspoken in her head. Needing no further prompting she reached down and, as she knew she would, found his hard cock straining up to meet her touch. She stroked it gently at first, seeing what she could tell from feeling it before she saw it.

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