Unspoken Pleasure (erotica)

It’s Only Fair: EP20

I stared down at the floor, crestfallen. Why did my sisters have to make me feel so bad about stuff that felt so good?

“And, if you behave, you’ll get a special treat when we get home,” Brianna said.

“Bree!” Jenna turned on her sister.

“Come on, Jen. We have to offer him something as a reward,” Brianna said.

“Fine,” Jenna said, “Deal?”

I nodded. Both girls stood up and marched out of my bedroom. Brianna’s bubble butt and Jenna’s barely-there bottom both bounced off and I couldn’t help but think of the old saying about hating to see someone leave but loving to watch them go. Good Lord, I’d been blessed with some sexy sisters.

And yet neither was even in the same class as our older sister, Amy.

Fuck. I was not looking forward to making that phone call. Before the previous weekend, Amy and I hadn’t gotten along at all. In truth, she was a total bitch to all three of her younger siblings.

I pictured a very uncomfortable conversation in my head. I knew from experience that giving Amy demands was like trying to take the cubs from a mother grizzly bear: if you’re lucky, it ends with you losing only your arms and legs.

But I’d been talked into a corner.

I picked up the phone and dialed. As it rang, I said a little prayer to the phone gods. If Amy didn’t pick up (and I was really hoping she wouldn’t pick up), then I wouldn’t have to tell her all the things that I knew would piss her off. I could avoid getting scolded by both my older sister and the younger ones. But Amy answered almost immediately.

“Chase!” The excitement in her voice was contagious. It was like getting a dose of anti-fear penicillin: every worry washed away. Finally, someone who wasn’t from the alternate ‘we-hate-Chase’ universe I’d unwittingly stepped into that Monday morning.

“I’m stuck at the courthouse,” Amy told me. “But you’re still coming, right? I hadn’t heard from you guys and I was starting to worry.”

“Yes,” I said, “Definitely coming. It’s just…”

“OK good. My apartment’s all set up,” Amy said, making it sound like the dirtiest thing in the world. “I can’t wait to hear about all the nasty things you three have been up to in my absence.”

“Well, here’s the thing…”

“Seriously?” Amy was almost shouting, “You haven’t done anything?” I don’t know how not fooling around with my younger sisters was a betrayal of my older one, but she sure made it sound like it was. “I’ve been sitting here this whole time stroking myself half to death just thinking about what I could be doing if I was there and you three haven’t even… Fuck!”

I imagined Amy standing in a busy hallway — lawyers, jurors, and judges streaming past her — yelling all those things at the top of her lungs. It was both funny and frightful at the same time.

“I mean, tell me you all at least rubbed one out together,” Amy said.

“I was, ummmm, saving myself up for you?” I said, tentatively touching my toe to the waters. Ooo, it came back icy.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Amy said, “You don’t buy a Ferrari to keep it in the garage. That fantastic fuckstick of yours needs to open the throttle and let loose as often as possible. Let that baby roar!”

I let Amy wax poetic about my penis some more, unsure how to tell her that her younger sisters might not be on the same page. I was supposed to be setting boundaries, not amping Amy up about what was to cum. Er, come.

“Are you listening to me, Chase?” Amy sounded increasingly distressed by my abstinence.

“Umm, yeah,” I said, “Of course. Look, Brianna and Jenna are both anxious about…”

“Jeez, tell your slutty sisters I have their stupid pills,” Amy said, “And tell them I’m super disappointed in both of them. Jeez, what good is having a cock like that around if you’re not going to stick it in your twat?”

“I mean sure,” I said, “I guess.”

“Don’t you worry little man, big sis will make everything better,” Amy said. “I’ve got a whole awesome weekend planned, I promise. I’ll pick you all up at the station, so text me when you get there.”

I hung up the phone, realizing I hadn’t gotten out half of what I was supposed to say. I wasn’t calling Amy back, but I couldn’t tell the twins I’d been unable to extract a promise, either. I decided to tell Brianna and Jenna that Amy had agreed and hope that it never came up.

It seemed like a simple promise, one hardly needed between normal siblings. No vaginal intercourse, no wild drinking? Did anyone else need to ask for those things from their sisters? But for me, in that moment, I couldn’t imagine how we would avoid it.

Imagine my shock, three days later, when I realized that I’d followed my younger sisters’ guidelines down to the letter.


Friday afternoon, the twins and I convened in the living room, ready to make our epic, urban journey. Each of us was bundled to the brim and had a rolling suitcase at our sides.

“I’m so excited you three are finally spending time with your big sister,” my Mom said. She did look proud, like we were graduating from college rather than just going to visit Amy.

“I expect you all to behave,” my Dad said, “I’m not driving into the city to pick you up if Amy tosses you out for being inappropriate.” Actually, I thought that being inappropriate was exactly what Amy had in mind. But I couldn’t say that to my father, so I let him continue to talk to us like we were nine and eight, rather than 19 (as I was) and 18 (as the twins were).

We all piled into my Dad’s Tesla and he drove us to the local station. Our train arrived soon afterwards. Brianna, Jenna, and I all dragged our bags into the train car and down the aisle. It wasn’t too full — we were able to find a set of empty benches where all three of us could sit across from each other. I ended up next to Jenna with Brianna facing us. We threw our suitcases up on the rack above.

I thought we’d talk, or at least give each other reproving glares, but the girls buried themselves in their phones. The train chugged heavily to the next station. The car began to fill up. After a few stops, there was barely enough room to stand in the corridors, let alone sit. The whole way, my siblings and I never said a word.

In some ways, I was glad. If the girls didn’t ask me how the call had gone with Amy, then I didn’t have to lie to them about it. I’d told them the pills were confirmed. I didn’t say anything else and, to this point, I hadn’t been called on it. Still, I wished my sisters would have said something instead of glaring me down like a bad dog.

Look, I know I come off as a big perv through all this. But the truth is, I loved my sisters for more than just their tits and butts. I also loved their soft, squishy pussies. Their mouths and hands on my cock. The way their faces twisted, their bodies trembled, in orgasm.

OK, sorry, I got caught up for a minute there.

The truth is I loved my little sisters well before I ever did any of that dirty stuff. Jenna was super smart and caring. Brianna was funny and sweet. I thought they were special people and I loved them for who they were. When we were together — you know, the dirty way — I told myself that it wasn’t only Amy’s prodding, the alcohol, or my apparently impressive dick. I really believed that this was the twins’ way of telling me they thought I was special, too.

As we sat on the train, studiously ignoring each other, I realized I was wrong. Brianna and Jenna said they weren’t mad at me and I believed them. But they also made it clear that I was not a cherished memory — just a regret. It was a hard thing to come to grips with. These gorgeous girls who I held in such esteem both telling me that I was a mistake and nothing more.

Finally, we arrived in the city and lugged our bags off the train. The station was busy, people were heading into town with us or rushing home. I was used to navigating the city from going to school here (admittedly outside downtown but still), but the girls struggled to keep moving against the crush.

Finally, I saw a head of long, golden curls popping up over the grey crowd. It was Amy. My gorgeous older sister looked even better than I remembered. She had on a maroon pea coat, a red and white striped scarf, and a pair of dark leather gloves. Her green eyes flashed with excitement. She’d done her makeup, giving herself dark-lined eyes, rosy cheeks, and bright crimson lips.

I wasn’t the only one who noticed, either. The crowds parted for Amy like the Red Sea before God, himself. Men and women startled as they saw her, overcome with awe. One poor fellow nearly took a nasty tumble as he tried to stare at my sister and still walk past. In the solar system that was the bustling train station, Amy was the sun. She was the brightest object there and everything revolved around her.

It made me feel special, then, as Amy ran straight to me. She gave me a close hug and I could smell her perfume. It brought me right back to her being naked with me in my bed. I went weak-kneed just from a whiff of it. Amy hugged Brianna and Jenna, too, then stood back as if framing us for a family photo. All three of us flinched; we still weren’t used to our older sister being affectionate.

“I’m so happy my little brother and sisters finally came to see me in the big city,” Amy said, as if she’d spent years trying to convince us. The truth was, up until the past weekend, Amy hadn’t ever offered. In fact, she’d spent tons of time discouraging any such thing. At college I lived no more than forty minutes away from Amy’s apartment — I’d never received an invite.

“Do you have them?” Jenna asked.

“They’re back at the apartment, Jeez,” Amy said. She rolled her eyes dramatically then gave me a conspiratory grin. “Come on, let’s go.”

We walked out of the station and took an icy slap to the face. The wind seemed even colder here than it was back home. The streets were stuffed, traffic stopped dead and honking, and street corners were piled high with black snow. Every crosswalk had an unfathomably deep, dark puddle at either end. I shivered in the cold despite the piles of clothing I was already wearing. The further we got from home, the more our suitcases seemed to gain weight.All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

“The subway station’s right up here,” Amy said, leading the way.

“You didn’t bring your car?” Brianna asked.

“You try driving in this stupid city sometime,” Amy said, “Trust me, this is way easier.”

We dragged our suitcases up concrete steps to a high, above-ground subway line. It was even more frigid up here. Jenna’s always pink cheeks looked like raw meat. Brianna had buried herself in her coat’s collar. Amy could have been out for a day at the beach for all she was suffering.

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