Unspoken Pleasure (erotica)

It’s Only Fair: EP32

I had the holiday break of a lifetime. While my classmates were wasting their holidays shoveling heavy snow, visiting cranky relatives, and getting crappy gifts, I was having wild orgies with my three sexy sisters.

It all started when I accidentally saw my older sister, Amy, naked. I didn’t need Amy’s clothes off to know she was amazing. My sister was tall, blonde, with a body that broke my brain and a face that fractured my heart. Seeing Amy naked had been like getting a free, all-access preview of heaven. Five seconds was more than any human could endure – and just enough to make me want to spend an eternity there.

That had led to a ‘punishment’ where Amy stripped me and our younger, twin sisters: Brianna and Jenna. I say it was a penalty, but it was really a reward. The twins were truly stunning. Brianna, blonde, with massive breasts and Jenna, brunette, and athletic. One of them, alone, could fill your spank bank till it overflowed. I ended up having sex with both twins that night, cumming in my unprotected baby sisters.

The next day, I screwed the incredible Amy, herself. Then we played another stripping game and we all had sex, once again. Further insemination ensued. What can I say? I was a busy boy.

If that wasn’t enough, the next weekend we all visited Amy at her apartment for another round of dirty stuff. Despite Amy’s insistence that I was the one running the show, she established her dominance over all of us. She controlled the when, the where, and even the how of my having sex with my sisters.

At the end of the festivities, like a cartoon supervillain gloating over her plans, Amy confided it all to me. These hadn’t been accidental escapades – Amy enjoyed having sex with me and wanted more. But she needed the twins to be involved, too. It was the only way she could justify her actions to herself. Yes, I know this makes no sense, but Amy said it so here we are.

Amy’s plan to draw us into her web? Get the twins pregnant, keep them from going across the country for college in the fall, and have all of us move in with her for a never-ending parade of perversity. Like I said, nutso crazy batshit whacky stuff. But also kind of awesome if you think about it?

So yes, as bizarre as Amy’s plan was, I was in for it.

The twins, however, were less enthused about everything that had happened that weekend and I doubted that Amy’s secret pregnancy plans for them would change their minds. My older sister was convinced that my younger sisters would come around to our way of thinking. But I wasn’t so sure.

We left Amy’s apartment with everything still in flux. This was a huge moment, a cliffhanger ending that had consequences for my entire life. Only I wasn’t around to find out what would happen. Because the day after our second wanton weekend, I was back at school.

Just like that, winter break ended, and reality snapped back into place. I was no longer Chase: sibling-fucking sex god. I was regular Chase: college student who didn’t even have a girlfriend. It was such a complete transformation, I spent the first few days back at school feeling dizzy.

Like the last time things had been put on pause, I naively took my sisters at their words and assumed that sexy times would soon be straight ahead. But when I texted Amy, she blew me off. And not in the good way. My dorm was only a few subway stops away from her apartment downtown. We could have easily visited each other. Even met halfway. But my older sister was too busy to even sext, let alone show up for the actual thing.© 2024 Nôv/el/Dram/a.Org.

At least Amy was willing to write back. My younger sisters simply ghosted me.

I guess I should have been angry. Or upset. Instead I chose to be both. That isn’t a good way to live, but I was getting good at it. I told myself it was only sex, nothing to get worked up about. If it meant no shtupping till spring break, well, that was annoying but not devastating.

Except it sort of was. Not the intercourse part. Though sure, that too. No, something far more disturbing was happening: I’d started to fall in love with my sisters. Not in the sibling way, because that’s ingrained from birth. The love love way. The ‘can’t live without you’ way that Harry Connick Jr sings about. The way that no brother is ever supposed to feel about his sister (let alone sisters). Yes, I had that.

And once I was aware it was there, I couldn’t shake it off me. Worse, I felt like the world could see it as I walked around. There goes the weirdo in love with his sisters. Yes, all three of them. No, I don’t think they have a vaccine, yet.

That’s what really worried me about the lack of texts – that my sisters had figured it out, could see my love splattered all over their cell phone screens, and were ignoring me in the dire hope that I would move on. Sibling sex is wrong, sure, but I bet it happens a lot more than people admit. Sibling love, though, that’s a whole other can of poisonous murder snakes. There was no way my sisters felt that.

I found myself trapped between two diametrically opposed urges. I wanted to be with my sisters more than anything, yet I was terrified of what would happen if we got back together; if they found out how I felt. Their silence those first few weeks was both the best thing and the worst thing that could have happened. And I was stuck wallowing in between.

And so – with nothing to do but flounder in my feelings – I reluctantly settled back into regular college life. It’s weird how you can feel so isolated in a place with fourteen thousand people. I was living on campus in a tiny dorm room that looked more like a prison than student housing. Small rooms, cement walls, and shared bathrooms. My roommate had a serious girlfriend, and he was usually over at her place. I had a few friends and we hung out occasionally. Mostly, though, I was alone.

Then, out of nowhere, right in the middle of my Monday morning Shakespearean Lit course, I got the family text I’d been hoping for. But it wasn’t from any of my sisters. It was my Dad.

“We need to talk.”

Shit. He even put a period at the end of the sentence. That was a really bad sign.

Immediately, every worst-case scenario I could think of raced through my mind. Was that why I hadn’t heard from my sisters? Had my parents found out about what had happened over break? Oh my God, if my father knew I was fucking Amy, Brianna and Jenna, I’d be a dead man. If he found out I might have knocked up the twins, he’d kill me twice.

I jumped out of my seat, mid-lecture, and raced out of the building. I found a quiet spot on the quad, put in my AirPods, and prayed to the incest gods for mercy. I could barely click my Dad’s name on the contacts list, my hands were shaking so bad.

“H… Hi Dad.”

“How’s school?” my father asked cheerfully.

“Fine,” I said. He sounded OK. Maybe this was OK?

“We need to talk about the twins,” Dad said. Nope. Not fine. Nothing was fine. “Can you tell me what you’ve been doing with your younger sisters?”

Maybe if I jumped in front of traffic, I’d be OK. Getting smacked by a two-ton vehicle and then ground to paste would be so much less painful than listening to what was about to come next.

“Dad, I… I mean, I can explain. I will. It’s just…”

“I knew you were close to Brianna and Jenna,” my Dad said, “Well, closer than you ever were with Amy. Though that’s not saying much.”

“Amy, yes. I mean, I guess it all started with her…”

“Really? I find that hard to believe,” Dad said, “Anyway, all I can say is, your Mom’s thrilled.”

Wait. What?

“Wait. What?”

“What?” Dad asked.

“Did you just say Mom’s thrilled?”

“Of course,” Dad said, “She’s so happy the three of you are getting along. If you heard half the things the twins have been saying about you lately? You’d get a swelled head.”

“A what?”

“Chase is so smart. Chase is so fun to be around. Chase is so funny,” Dad said, mimicking a high-pitched sister voice. “All day every day the two of them go on and on about what a great time they had with you during winter break and how much they miss you. I’m starting to wonder where this cool guy is, myself.”

My heartbeat started to slow. Finally, it sunk in. My father wasn’t angry at all. He was pleased? About my newfound closeness with my sisters? Oh Dad, if you only knew.

I started to take deep breaths again. Felt my shoulders loosen. If humans, like cats, have nine lives, I’d burned through three of them standing there and listening on the phone.

“Anyway, the girls are both after me about coming to visit you at school,” Dad said, “I don’t see what the big deal is. They’re already going to UCLA, it’s not like they’re touring campuses. But they keep saying how much they miss you and they want to see what college life is like. Anyway, I told them you were busy with classes and it wasn’t appropriate. You in that little dorm room, I mean, where would they even sleep?”

Where, indeed. I smiled, despite myself. My near-death experience hadn’t stopped me from seeing my sisters in a less than brotherly way.

“So, we’ve talked it out and, if you’re OK with it, Jenna will come up and see you this weekend,” Dad said.

“Jenna?” I asked. I couldn’t help it, my heart soar.

“Brianna has some sleepover thing at a friend’s this weekend. But Jenna’s around and she wants to see you. If it all works out, if Jenna’s well behaved and doesn’t drive you too crazy, then Brianna might visit you a few weeks after. Honestly, it’s probably for the best to have them come one at a time. I know it takes a lot to keep up with the two of them. I don’t want to wear you out prematurely.”

Oh, the twins had worn me out in only the best ways so far. Having only Jenna around would be almost quaint. I told my Dad that she was more than welcome to visit.

“Excellent. I think this is a real chance for the girls to prepare for college, so I want you to give Jenna the complete experience. I know it’s not her first time doing this kind of thing, but I want to make sure she gets it. Don’t be afraid to get down and dirty. Really pound it into her, you know?”

“Understood,” I said.

“Great!” Dad said. We agreed he’d drop Jenna off that Friday morning so she could go to a few classes with me. He’d come get her at my dorm on Sunday.

After I got off the phone with my father, I went through the logistics of a sisterly visit. I filled out the forms for having a guest in the dorms. I made sure my sister could attend my classes with me for the day. I tried to reach my roommate, but I ended up leaving him a voicemail and some texts, hoping that he would be OK with it. It was so unlikely he’d even be in the room, but I wanted to be sure.

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