Unspoken Pleasure (erotica)

Teachers Young Pet #1

The story of a tutor in his 40’s and his 17 year old teen student crossing the line during a fateful stormy night while being watched by their neighbour. A story about carnal desires and the taste of youth.


I was like anybody else, a healthy 17 year old. There was nothing awe inspiring about me. I was 5’2, outgoing, had a big social circle of friends who adored me, had a loving home, a good education and cute looks.

With my soft caramel skin, pink full lips, long black hair that reached my waist, my tiny hips and luscious supple breasts, I wasn’t the most gorgeous being around, but I could still turn quite a few heads. Back then, I had a tutor. He was a plump looking old gentleman, 5’8, 42 years of age who home tutored mathematics to a few freshmen in college. He lived with wife and twin kids. I had been studying under him for two years by that point. He was a very nice and friendly guy.

He’d properly praise students for doing a good job and would help those who lagged behind in studies. A pat on the head, a pat on the back , an occasional half hug was very normal to him and his students. He would lean over his students while he taught maths. Noone ever thought anything of it. He never touched anyone inappropriately and never glanced at anyone in a perverse way. So when he leaned over me and showed me the maths I had done wrong, it was nothing abnormal.

Over the course of the year my grades had improved tremendously, there was nothing to complain about. Occasionally when he would lean over, take the pen from my hand and show me how to do a math correctly, the cap of the pen or the knuckle of his thumb would accidentally brush over my underside of my breasts. It happened only a few times and he showed no indication of ever noticing. It was a day duing the beginning of monsoon season.

I was suddenly caught by a late evening shower on my walk to his house for my tuition classes. School had just ended for the day. The weather had not forcasted any news of rain for the day so I did not carry any umbrella with me. I arrived at his door, soaked down to my bones and shivering. I hurriedly rang the doorbell to be let into the warmth of his home. Waiting for the door to open, I saw his neighbour in the next building hurriedly unlock his own door to get inside.

The poor soul looked half a decade older than me and like a drowned rat, he had been caught in the rain just like me. The door infront of me creaked open, revealing Sir . It was unusual for him to come to the door, his wife always did that. He took one look at me and quickly ushured me inside. He disappeared into his room while I stood inside his living room, cold and shivering, dripping from head to toe. He came back with a towel in hand and suggested I change into some of his wife’s clothes before I caught a nasty cold. He informed me how his wife and his kids had gone over to his mother-in-laws place for about a month for their kids’ school vacation.

He had stayed behind for his students and he assured me his wife wouldn’t mind me borrowing her clothes. I say no reason to say no. I put down my bag (waterproof, thank heavens) on the living room floor and went inside the bedroom to change. Sir followed in behind me and headed to the dresser. He found a white selwar kamiz for me and laid out on the bed.

He looked at me up and down with a small smile playing on his lips.”Here, change into this quickly, you look cold””Thank you” I whispered as I wiped my hair with the towel.”Besides” He said while he moved towards the door, “Its a good thing that its after sundown so noone could see you look like that. Now, change quickly, I’ll be waiting for you in the study room.”I looked down to find my white shirt sticking to every curve of my body like a glove, hugging my breasts as beads of water rolled down my chest towards my fully visible maroon bra.

The rich color made a beautiful contrast against my exposed skin. The rain had made my shirt completely translucent. I blushed hard as Sir walked out of the room. I locked the door and started changing. To my dismay, my bra and panty were soaked through by the rain. I had no choice but to leave them to dry with the rest of my clothes. I peeled them off my body one by one and doned on his wife’s clothes. The selwar and orna was fit perfectly but the kamiz was two sizes too big for me. It rolled off half my shoulder. I sighed and draped the orna over my chest.

Beggars couldn’t be choosers. I changed and hurried towards the study room, grabbing my bag on the way. Taking a seat, I took out the study materials and started to solve some maths.

Sir leaned against a wall infornt of me while he watched me study. I looked up and found his eyes burning into mine. With a start, I realized he wasn’t looking at my face at all. I followed his gaze and looked down to see where his eyes led. The loose kamiz’s neckline and orna had slipped down to reveal the curve of my left breast and the nipple was slightly peeking out. The nub was swollen and pebbled from the cold. I swiftly pulled my kamiz upwards, blocking the view and covering up with the orna. My face turned red from embarrassment and I dared not look up at his face. A few minutes passed as I kept doing my maths.

As usual, when I was stuck with a sum, Sir leaned over my back and started to show me how to solve it. My body became aware of his presence due to the incident a while ago. I has caught him staring at my exposed chest. Suddenly the lid of his pen brushed lazily against my nipple. I froze. Without a bra in the way, the touch felt too intimate , too exposed. I tried to scoot back a little but my chair was trapped between Sir’s front and the table. He didn’t seem to notice at all. He kept explaining the maths as normal. I felt another brush of his pen against my breasts, only this time it kept happening everytime he wrote the maths down.

The pen’s tip slid against the paper while the edge kept brushing over my nipple with every number. Goosebumps appeared all over my body. The sharp cap kept poking at my nipple, making my body feel strange. I angled away a bit, hoping the sensation would stop. In doing so, I had moved in such a way that his entire hand now was pressed snugly againt the right side of my breast. I sat rigid as Sir slowly but surly pressed his hand even closer into my side as he wrote the maths on my notebook. A shiver worked its way up my spine as I sat there shocked and scared. He was doing this on purpose. Even over cloths, his big burly hand felt scandling against my cold body.Text © by N0ve/lDrama.Org.

Yet, I did not shove his hand away. With a start, I realized that the sensation felt good to me. Yes it was very scary and unexpected but deep down, I was enjoying my tutor so subtly touching my young body. I had only ever been with my ex boyfriend before this and it shocked me that even something as simple as a half touch by the older man was starting to make me feel hot. I leaned heavily forward, placing the weight on my entire right breast on his hand. The pen slipped from his hand as his fingers lay trapped between my tit and my notebook.

My heart tried to thud out of my chest. I had never done anything so crazy, so bold in my life, I had never imagined I would make a move like that to a teacher who was 25 years older than me. His hand moved, palm turned upwards and grabbed a handful of my breast. A tiny gasp escaped me. His big fat hand began to steadily massage my breast , slowly pumping it. My breathe hitched as his other hand joined in the fun. There I sat in a chair, which my math tutor standing behind me with his hands kneading my plump rounded chest. I felt one of his hairy arm slip inside the kamiz through the huge neckline.

I moaned as he pinched my nipple between his thick stubby fingers while his other hand discarded the orna from my neck. His clutch became harder and rougher with each pump. I threw my head back and moaned throatily as his other hand joined the first. With my ample breasts in his aging hand, he pinched both my nipples and pulled at them, hard. My pebbled nubs grew hot from pain as electrifying pleasure shot down my spine. My hands flew upto my chest, moans spilling from my soft lips, as I grabbed at his hands which kept squeezing my breasts with varying rhythm. The stout hands pulled back leaving my breasts aching and raw. I turn back at him, eyes heavylided from pleasure.

His hands suddenly started to manhandling me, pulling me up from my seat and towards him. I stood facing him, eyes hooded, cheeks red from a blush, lips parted and one of my breasts haging out the neckline of his wife’s dress. Sir roughly grabbed my waist with one hand and grabbed a fistful of my wet hair by another. Aggressively he brought his mouth down on mine, open mouthed and hungry. His slimy tongue forced its way between my plumpy soft lips taking advantage of my surprised gasp.

His thick stubble roughly slid againt my face as he shoved his long slippery tongue deeper down my throat. Heat pooled between my shaking legs as brutish lips roughly devoured my mouth. Burly hands groped my delicate ass and squeezed. I moaned wantonly into his mouth, pushing my body flush against his chubby old beer belly. Big hands quickly made work of his wife’s kamiz, tearing it off my small frame, pulling it over my head. I stood infornt of Sir trembling and gasping for air. His sharp hungry eyes roamed my petiet body, as if devouring me with his eyes alone. I looked up at him dazed and horny and scared out of my wits. A devilish smile overtook his face as he said.”Get on the desk, child”I quickly scrambled up to the table and sat with my legs hanging off the sides.

He trudged towards me, taking off his shirt and pant in the process. He stood against the side of the table in his boxers, standing between my open legs. He pulled me by my waist flush agaist his throbbing clothed erection. It felt like a hot rod against my throbbing pussy as I threw my head back and moaned. His mouth descended on my neck kissing and biting downwards.

My hands grabbed their way into his receding hair. I pulled his mouth closer to my famished body, unknowingly half starved for the touch of a much older man. And I had found it. With Sir. Right here. He sucked and bit into my tender skin mouthing words as he went. My body grew hotter with his whispers inbetween bites.”So soft…””…. so warm””… Sinful””Delicious….””So fucking young….”I moaned and rocked againt his hard cock while he finally took my nipple into his mouth. And sucked. Hard.

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