Unspoken Pleasure (erotica)

Use Your Sisters Instead: EP4

Tabitha reached up and grabbed her older brother’s penis. His cock, Mary corrected herself. It sounded like a porn word, but if that’s what he called it, who was she to tell him differently?

Tabitha and Michael gasped in unison as her tiny hand wrapped around his shaft.

“Oh Tabby,” Michael said.

“It feels so warm,” Tabitha said, “Soft. But also strong.”

“It gets hard so it can go in your vagina,” Mary said, “When it’s in you and it’s your time, Michael’s cock will produce sperm and that’s how you get babies.”

“I know that part, Momma,” Tabitha said. She hadn’t taken her hand off her brother’s cock.

“Well, are you ready to try it?” Mary asked. Tabitha smiled and leaned back, resting her head on her pillow.

“Oh Tabitha,” Michael said, taking his penis in hand again, “I’ve always… I mean, when I would. Back in my room. You were always the one I…”

“You’re rambling nonsense, dear,” Mary said.

“It’s OK, Michael,” Tabitha said. “I’m ready when you are.”

Michael stepped a little closer to his sister and started stroking, slowly. “It’s a little… I just need some more time,” he said.

“You could just put it in me,” Tabitha said with a grin. “Might be more scientific that way.”

“Not till he’s ready,” Mary said, “You’re accepting your brother’s sperm so he doesn’t go to Hell. You’re not fu… Having intercourse.”

“Right,” Tabitha said, “Duh. Does that feel good, Michael? Rubbing it? I mean, like, in a learning sense. So I know for when I’m married.”

“You look so awesome, Tabitha,” Michael said, “It feels so good.”

“In what way?” Tabitha asked.

“It’s just this like building pleasure” Michael said, “I slide the loose skin up and down. It’s fantastic. Especially when I go over the head.”

“Hmmmm… It did feel really nice in my hand,” Tabitha said.

“OK, enough learning time,” Mary said, “Let’s get this over with. I’m in the middle of a movie here.”

“OK,” Michael said, “I’m getting close.” He moved in front of his sister, and, as before, took his cock and rested it at her dripping opening. Tabitha looked down at their impending connection. Entranced.

Michael started sliding into his sister. “Oh, Tabby Cat, I always dreamed of…” Suddenly he stopped. He’d gotten himself halfway in.

“What’s wrong?” Mary asked.

“I don’t know,” Michael said, looking at his mother in confusion, “There’s some kind of barrier there or something. Maybe Tabitha’s puss… I mean her vagina. Maybe it’s really small.”

Mary almost laughed when she realized what he was saying. He’d reached his sister’s hymen. Come to think of it, Mary wondered why Michael hadn’t had this issue with his other two sisters. Well it was a problem to be pondered another time.

“Can you stroke yourself while you’re still in her like that?” Mary asked.

“Not really,” Michael said.

“Well, do your best with what you have,” Mary said, “I’m sure it’ll be enough.”

“Yeah, but. I’m worried some of it might spill out.”

“Good point,” Mary said, suddenly concerned.

“It’s OK, Momma,” Tabitha said, “He can push it in more. I feel like he can.”

“You sure, honey?” Mary asked.

Michael pulled back a bit, then slid forward. “I can feel it give a little.”

“Me too,” Tabitha said, “Try pushing harder.”

“You sure Tabitha?” Michael asked, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

Tabitha nodded. Michael drew back. This time he really drove into his sister. Tabitha screamed. Michael groaned.

“OH!” Tabitha cried, “Oh fffuck.”

“Are you OK?” Mary asked.

“Y… yeah. I did it. His… I feel it shooting inside me.”

Michael waited, then pulled out. His penis was streaked with blood. “Oh God. I’m so sorry, sis. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I really didn’t.”

“It’s OK, Michael,” Mary said, and patted him on the back. Tabitha sat up and Mary handed her a few tissues. Thick, pinkish goo dripped out of her vagina.

“It doesn’t hurt anymore,” Tabitha said, “Just feels a little weird. Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll be ready by the next time you need me.”

“Are you sure?” Michael said, “Maybe it’s better if I don’t…”

“Don’t even think it,” Tabitha said, “I want to help the family the same as everyone else.”


Now Mary assumed her job was truly done. All three girls were trained for the next emergency. Eventually, Michael would grow out of this faze and his sisters could stop providing for him. Until then, Mary was happy to stay out of it.

However, unintentionally, Mary had set herself up as the director of this entire project and so she found she couldn’t escape her responsibilities. She was in charge of the calendar – the siblings relied on her to “assign” Michael a sister when it was time. Like a dirty maitre d’. Further, since Mary had been present at all of the initial attempts, the children treated her as the expert, the coordinator and, when necessary, the referee.

Still, Mary tried to disentangle herself as much as possible. The next time Michael came to her with a “need,” Mary showed him the calendar and explained how it worked. She told him that he, too, could simply decide which sister was the most appropriate and act accordingly.

“I just feel more comfortable when you do it, Mom,” Michael said, “When it’s me on my own it feels kind of wrong. Pervy. But if we decide as a family…”

“I can’t be here every time you need to do your thing,” Mary said, “I have to work, too, honey. But I understand you want to respect your sisters. You’re being a good brother. I’ll do my best to help out when I can.”

So, Mary reviewed the calendar with Michael. As it turned out, with Hope out for an early run and Chastity still in the danger zone, It was Tabitha’s turn again. Michael’s baby sister was going from excused to almost overused. Well, there was no other option – Mary sent her son up to request Tabitha’s help.

Mary heard the bedroom door shut behind him. She went back to folding clean clothes. But suddenly she heard footsteps and saw her naked daughter standing over her, looking distraught.

“We need a little help,” Tabitha said, her tiny breasts still jiggling from her run over. Tabitha lead her mother into her room. Michael stood to the side looking sheepish. Tabitha jumped back on the bed, knocking her stuffed bears to the side. She resumed the position. Knees elevated. Thighs apart.

“I’m having a little trouble, ummmm. Getting going,” Michael said, “I thought I was ready, but when I came in here it just…”NôvelDrama.Org owns all content.

“Then go back to your room until you really are ready,” Mary said. She pushed her hair out of her eyes. Seriously? How had this boy been masturbating on his own all this time?

“I can’t lie here and wait,” Tabitha said, “I have class in a couple minutes. Can’t we do something to, like, speed him up?”

Both children looked to their Mother earnestly. “Honestly, you two,” she said, “I’m not the expert in these things. But it seems as though Michael is just nervous. Tabitha, honey, are you doing your best to make Michael comfortable?”

“I mean, I guess,” Tabitha said, “I was only asking him questions about his penis. Like how it worked, how it felt. Stuff like that.”

“Well, there you go, honey,” Mary said, “You can’t interrogate the boy while he’s building up like that.”

“Oh,” Tabitha said, “I’m sorry Michael. I didn’t mean to. What can I do to fix it, Momma?”

“Well, maybe you could do things that would make Michael feel more comfortable. Like, say nice things about him.”

“Michael, your penis looks very nice,” Tabitha said.

“Thanks?” Michael said. He’d resumed slowly stroking himself, but he was clearly still not at full mast.

“That’s a good start,” Mary said, “Try saying other things. And use the word cock, your brother appears to prefer it. We should respect that.”

“Michael your cock looks really tumescent. I can’t wait to have it inside my vagina.”

“A little less clinical, honey.”

“Maybe you could try, like, touching yourself, too,” Michael said, “Not like masturbating. I know that would be wrong. Just, like, little rubs that show you’re enjoying what you see.”

“That’s a good idea,” Mary said, “Just don’t get too into it, like your brother said.”

Tabitha rubbed her little breast, being sure to tweak the pinkish nipple. With her other hand, she reached down and sort of teased at her opening. She clearly had no idea what she was doing, but the young brunette managed to make a believable appearance of enjoying herself.

“Don’t forget the talking, dear.”

“Oh yes,” Tabitha said, “Michael, I know you think about me when you… do stuff. I think about you, too sometimes. Here I am. Waiting for you. Wanting you. Please come give me your cock. It looks so good. I want it so bad.”

Mary thought Tabitha’s speech sounded pretty forced, but it clearly did the trick for her son. He lunged forward and buried himself in his little sister. She gasped, but it clearly wasn’t as painful as the last time. Tabitha looked down, interested at where her brother and she were now joined. She smiled and clapped.

“Yay! Thanks, Momma.” Tabitha reached for her brother’s hands and pulled them onto her breasts. He squeezed them both, like testing for ripeness. Apparently this was part of the procedure now. Michael moved in and out, then shuddered. He fell forward.

Tabitha giggled. “It feels so neat, erupting inside me.”

“Oh yes,” Michael said, his head buried between his sister’s breasts.

“Well, very good,” Mary said, “Just remember what we learned for next time.”

Both siblings nodded simultaneously. Michael’s eyes glazed over with post-sex stupor. His sister’s, though, stayed bright and wanting.


Again, Mary thought she finally had things figured out. But, again, Michael ran out to find her when he needed help.

“I thought we talked about this,” Mary said, standing over the hot stove and stirring.

“We did,” Michael said, “And we agreed that it’s creepy for me to just commandeer a sister.”

“You’re not whatevering your sisters. That’s why the calendar is up. It literally tells you who you should go to for help.”

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