You Belong To Me

Chapter 311 : The Ring

Chapter 311 : The Ring

Taiga's Mansion,

Bob : Miss.Disha, It's time...You need to leave now... (Disha nods) I had set an alarm in this watch for

you, it ll ring 30 mins before 8...Try to be before 8 pm.. Don't forget what I told you yesterday.

(Disha taking the watch from his hand and leaves).

Taiga---Inside the plane,

Ryan : Everything is getting ready while we are talking here Sir.. Hum did you find her the gift you were


(Taiga taking out a small box)


Taiga : (Taking a beautiful platinum ring inthrusted with small diamonds) How is this.

Ryan : You have a great taste boss... God, why am I not her.

Taiga : What? (Keeping the box in his pocket)

Ryan : I just envy her.... Don't mistake me Sir, don't you think it's little soon.

Taiga : What is there to think, I love her..We had been in a relationship more than a year now.

(Ryan's mindvoice:: Yeah according to your thought but I don't think she is in the same boat)

I don't want to waste any time...I want her, somehow it's going to happen oneday why can't it be today...

(Ryan nods)

Taiga's Mansion--Disha's POV,

(Getting into the washroom as planned) I have only five hours,, I ought to get out of this place now

(climbing on the toilet seat) Just a little (opening the window) Thanks to the jeans... (Landing on the

otherside) No one must see me... Please. (Grabbing the railings on the windows to get down) Ufff!!!

(Reaching the bottom and dusting herself) Now comes the hardest part... I must find a way to reach the

other side of the wall without being noticed... Wait, the maids quarters, there is a back door I use it to

leave, no one will be there to guard since it's the working hour... Great (Running to quarters) This is it..I

just need to get past this door now...(exhales and opens the door with caution)... Great (stepping out)

Now run..

(Starts running to the main road to find a cab)

I have 4hrs 35 mins left, I need to run fast...

(Reaching the main road)

(Breathing heavily)


(Getting inside the taxi)

Please take me to Hotel Milan..

Outside the hotel,

Dylan : Do you think she ll be here.

Gwen : I.. I just hope (walking inside)

Jonas home-Jonas's POV,

( Watching News) Why did Tai arranged the press yesterday, isn't it supposes to happen today....Hmm!!

(rocking the baby) stop worring about everything Jo!!

"Weather Report"--- The city is reported to experience heavy snow fall than last year..Expert says, it

might last at least for three days.... So people living in the mountain areas are warned to stay in

precaution, avoid any journey to the north for two days... In case of emergency contact 010-445 656


(walking to the window to show the kid his first snow fall)

Did see it (Kid giggles) oh you like it... Do you want the play...ah (kissing the kid) hum wanna play with

daddy (trying to open the door)

Alex : I ll break your leg, if you take him out at this hour. NôvelDrama.Org content.

(Jonas closing the room returns back to his seat)

Disha--Inside the car,

( looking out through the window) why is it snowing heavily.. (sighs)

Driver : Here we are mam.

Disha : Thank you so much (paying him)

(Starts walking in)

Dylan : Disha? (standing in shock) DISHA... (walking fast to greet her with a hug)

Disha : Where is Gwen...

Dylan : She is inside...

Disha : Did I came late.

Dylan : No no ...You are on time..Lets go inside...Oh she gonna fly.

Inside the hall,

Gwen : The project starts with (door creaks) a minimum budget of (stopping for a second, watching

Disha entering the room and taking the seat next to her's)..

After few hours,

Disha : thank you.... Any doubts about the project will be cleared by Miss.Gwen in future.

Thank you.

(Everyone claps)

Outside the Hotel,

Gwen : (hugging Disha) I know you all be here eventhou a part of me thinking you won't. Thank you... I

know you risked everything to come here...But ll be alright. (Disha nods)

Disha : I need to go.This might be our last meeting but am happy....really satisfied to risk my life to take

part in my dream...Our Dream.

We ll see in future(smiles)..Thank you for everything Gwen...You too Dylan (hugs both at the same

time). Thank you for everything.

(Getting into the Cab)

Meanwhile Taiga,

Taiga : (checking his watch) This is ll be the right time.. Ask them to set everything in other room...Tell

Hutsun to lock her room from outside..

(Ryan nods).

It's time.

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