Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 257

Chapter 257

#Chapter 257 – A Big One

Then, Victor opens his hand to show me perhaps the biggest diamond I’ve ever seen in my entire life. I gasp when I see it, completely distracted from my answer.

I am not a diamond afficionado, I know nothing about carats, but all I can say is that it is…big. Huge, even, and gorgeously cut and faceted. I tear my eyes away from it, though – knowing that it doesn’t really matter, and open my mouth to say yes when suddenly –

“Stop!” Ian shouts, jumping up on the bed. “This is all wrong!”

I blink up at him, utterly surprised. What on earth could be wrong?

“Yeah!” Alvin says, jumping up with his brother, but giving him a confused little look. I realize, quite suddenly, that Alvin is supporting his brother without asking questions but that he, like me, has no idea why Ian would protest.

“What?” Victor asks, confused and perhaps a little frustrated. “Ian, why –“

“You did not ask permission!” Ian says, frowning at his dad and pointing a finger at him.

“What?” Victor repeats, a little angrier now, his brows drawing together, looking between me and the kids. I just shrug, curious. “Ian, I went to war with her father – I have him locked up in jail – I don’t think it’s quite appropriate to be going to him, now, and asking for her hand in marriage –“

“Not from grandpapa,” Ian says, his little face stern. I look at my son curiously, realizing that he’s quite serious. This is not a game to him, or a prank. I put my hand on Victor’s knee, giving him a little nudge in his mind to let him know to hear him out. Victor, I can tell, is a little frustrated at being interrupted, but Ian’s emotions are valid too.

Victor glances at me and then looks back up at our sons. “All right,” he says quietly, with the patience of a saint. “Then who was I supposed to ask?”

“Us,” Ian replies, his voice suddenly choked a little as he points between Alvin and himself. “She is our mama, she has been ours from the start, even when you weren’t around.” Neither Victor nor I bother to point out that was my choice, because we can both see the real emotion in Ian’s face. Alvin, too, realizes what his brother is saying, his little eyes filling with tears.

“We have been protecting her – we have been loving her and keeping here safe while we waited for you. If you want to marry our mama,” Ian continues, his voice catching now as his eyes fill with tears, “you need to ask us if we think it is okay.”

My eyes shift to Alvin then, who has twin lines of tears on his cheeks, his little lip trembling. “It’s okay, papa,” Alvin cries loyally, throwing himself into his father’s arms. “You don’t have to ask me – it’s okay – you can marry her –“

Victor holds his little boy close and shuts his eyes, clearly overwhelmed by the emotions that hit him then. I feel my own tears fresh on my cheeks, a flood of love for my boys threatening to undo me. “Thank you, Alvin,” Victor murmurs, kissing his boy’s head and then looking up at Ian.

“Ian,” Victor says seriously. “I’m sorry that I didn’t think to ask you for permission to marry your mom. But you’re right – you two have taken such good care of her for six years. It’s only right. So, what do you think, kid? Can I have your permission?”

I feel my mouth twitch a little as I watch Ian look his father up and down, considering him. “You will be very nice to her?” Ian asks.

“Always,” Victor says seriously, nodding his confirmation, still hugging Alvin close.

“And you will give her lots of money and make sure she is happy?”

“As much as she wants,” Victor confirms. I can see him work hard not to smile now.

“And you will give me and Alvin first choice of deserts every night after dinner?”

Victor narrows his eyes at this. “Don’t push it, kid.”

“Fine.” Ian says, lifting his chin a little. “We’ll discuss that later. But yes, you have my permission.”

Victor nods graciously and opens one of his arms to make space for Ian in Alvin’s hug, and Ian jumps into his father’s lap, laying his head against his chest and smiling as Victor closes that arm back around him, holding both of his sons tight against his chest.

Then, smiling again, Victor turns to me. “Well, Evelyn? What do you think?”

“Actually,” I say, cheeky, “I would like to revisit this question of first-choice of deserts –“

Victor laughs, but also closes his eyes and shakes his head. “Please, Evie, the three of you are killing me –“

“Yes!” I cry, laughing, getting to my knees and leaning over my boys to take Victor’s face in my hands. “Yes,” I murmur, planting a firm kiss on his mouth. “Of course, Victor. Of course I’ll marry you.”

Victor releases the boys, then, who obligingly scatter away, and pulls me into his lap, kissing me with a deep happiness that radiates through both of us. Though I don’t look at them, concentrating on my fiancé, I hear the boys cheering and jumping on the bed in celebration next to us, Archie barking and eagerly jumping along with them. And in this moment there is absolutely nothing more I want in the world.

Victor pulls away from me for a moment, beaming into my face, and opens his hand again to show me that ring. Obligingly, I put out my left hand and let him slip it onto my finger. I take a moment to admire it, but then I’m kissing him again, unable to keep myself away.

I touch a hand to my stomach as Victor kisses me anew and wonder if perhaps this is the moment…

But no. This one change is enough for now.

And I’d like to keep my little secret to myself for a little longer yet. Just for me.

“We get to have a wedding!” Alvin shouts, reaching his hands high in the air as he bounces on the bed.

“And play with those cool swords!” Ian joins in, punching his fists and then pretending to stab and parry as if he already has one in his hand.

Victor laughs at the boys, ending the kiss and pulling me tight against him. “They’re going to be dangerous with those swords,” he whispers in my ear.

“I can see the headlines now. ‘Six Stabbed at Kensington Wedding. Entry Wounds Mysteriously Tiny.’”

Victor laughs and nuzzles my neck, holding me close. “What do you think,” he asks, holding up my left hand so that we can both see the ring. “Is it big enough for you, Luna Kensington?”

“Hmmm,” I say, pretending to judge it with a harsh and critical eye. “I suppose it will do,” I say, my voice haughty. “For now. But the anniversary ring will have to be at least double the size.”

“Double?” Victor asks, laughing. “She wishes to bankrupt me for jewels,” he jokes, kissing my neck.

“We’ll sell one of the children to raise the money,” I say, grinning up at him. “How much do you think the genius child of an astral mate goes for on the market these days?”

“Oh,” Victor says, pretending to think about it seriously for a moment, “at least twelve, fifteen dollars?”

“Well, surely that’s enough.” I respond proudly, playing along.

“More than enough,” he murmurs, laying his forehead against mine. “This is all…more than enough.”

“I agree,” I say, my heart soaring. “I love you.”

He nods, and I know that means his agrees. “Do you know, I think I know a way to make you love me more?” he asks.

I give an exaggerated little gasp. “Surely, not possible!” I declare.

“No, it is,” he says, pulling away from me a little and starting to stand up. “Because I’m going to go make you a cup of coffee.” NôvelDrama.Org holds © this.

I gasp again, swooning back into the pillows. “Truly the man of my dreams,” I murmur as my boys collapse next to me, tired from all their jumping. Archie curls at my feet, panting a little.

Victor gives a little bow as he heads out of the room, headed for the stairs.

“Bring us hot chocolate!” Alvin cries after him. Victor gives him a thumbs-up over his shoulder, letting him know the order is heard.

“Here mama,” Ian says, pulling at the ring on my left hand. “Let me show you how to make the laser.”

Laughing, I let him pull it off my finger and watch him dash to the window to show me how to use the rock to catch the light.

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