Pregnant With Alpha’s Genius Twins

Chapter 258

Chapter 258

#Chapter 258 – Back to School

Two hours later, the house is full of people. Not gathered for an engagement party or some kind of celebration, as one might expect. Despite the fact that this is perhaps one of the happiest days of my life, it’s also just precisely that. A day in my wonderful life.

And as I watch my Alpha fiancé meeting with a group of Betas in his makeshift living room office, and my twin boys gathering their books in preparation for their tutor’s arrival, and Burton beginning to organize the kitchen to feed these legions of people, I am renewed in the knowledge that I gained in the forest: that this is precisely what I want.

I don’t want an engagement party, or a big fuss. I just want to live my amazing life, to be a mom to my kids, a wife to my future husband, a Luna to my Alpha. I want to run this house, and help the people of my pack. I smile, rubbing my arms up and down my arms, thrilled with everything.

“Congratulations, madame,” Burton says, coming up close next to me and handing me a warm mug.

“Thank you, Burton,” I say, truly pleased that he’s noticed. Though I have to admit, he’d probably have to work pretty hard not to notice this crazy diamond. I wrap my arms around him in a warm hug which I think surprises him but, after a moment, he returns it.

When I let Burton go, I look down towards the drink he’s given me. “Oh, Burton,” I say, “I don’t think I should have any more coffee –“ but then I stop as I realize that the liquid is a light amber, not creamy brown.

“Herbal tea, madame,” he says with a sly smile. My jaw falls open a little bit – Burton has never, ever, in the time since I’ve known him, offered me herbal tea. And he knows I only had one cup of coffee this morning, when I usually have two.

I narrow my eyes a little at him, a little smile starting on my own lips. He just gives me a wink and a shrug as he turns away, heading back to the sink. I shake my head a little as he goes, marveling at him. But I’m quickly interrupted by my boys.

“Mama,” Ian says, coming up next to me and resting his head exhaustedly on my hip. “I don’t want to go to school today.”

I frown down at him. “But you’re not going to school. Your tutor is coming here.”

“It’s the same thing,” he whines, looking up at me. “House school is just as boring as real school.”

Alvin comes up on my other side, wrapping his arms around my leg and looking up at me. “It’s true mama, we know everything anyway. Can’t we help you and papa do stuff? I was such a good secretary for papa when you and Ian were gone – I know he could use my help –“

“And I could go back to the jail!” Ian offers, eager. “And…help! There!”

“Ohhhh no,” I say, laughing down at both of them and using my hands to detach them from my body so that I can move away. “No amount of pleading and whining is going to get you guys off the hook. You have to learn, you can’t just run around doing fun Alpha stuff all day.”

“Why nooooooot,” Ian moans, knotting his fingers in his hair in desperation.

“Because,” Victor says, coming up behind them and giving them a stern look. “Your mother said so. And that’s enough.”

Alvin and Ian shut their mouths at that, glancing between us, clearly wanting to protest but caught up against their loyalty to me. They certainly don’t want to make any arguments that would suggest that they don’t think my opinions are important, no matter how much they might want to.

I laugh, surprised. “Well,” I say, smiling at Victor. “If I’d known it was that easy, I’d have used that argument ages ago.”

Ian opens his mouth to protest again, but a knock comes at the door. We all turn towards it as Beta Stephen opens it to reveal a bright young woman standing there. Her hair is dark, like mine, but her fair skin and light eyes offer an interesting contrast. She gives me a happy smile as Stephen leads her over.

“Hi!” She says. “My name is Georgia. It’s so nice to finally meet you in person.”

“Welcome, Georgia,” I say, taking her hand and giving her a big smile. She turns to Victor, greeting him and taking his hand next. I don’t know what it is, but I can tell I like her already. Victor and I chose her because of her academic qualifications and her previous work with gifted children, but I hadn’t known that she also possessed this personal warmth.

“And these,” she says, turning to Alvin and Ian, smiling at them and bending down to be closer to their eye level. “Must be my pupils. Hello, I’m looking forward to getting to know you. I think we’re going to have lots of fun.”

Ian narrows his eyes at her, crossing his arms across his chest, letting her know that he expects to have absolutely no fun at all. Content held by NôvelDrama.Org.

Alvin, however, surprises me by looking up at Georgia in awe. I fight back my laugh when I see the worship in his eyes, the shocked little “o” of his mouth, and realize that my little baby may have just been struck with cupid’s arrow for the first time.

I bite my lip against the cuteness of it all, putting a hand on my heart and looking up at Victor, who frowns at Alvin, not yet understanding. “Boys,” Victor says, giving each of our unusually-silent sons a nudge. “Please say hello to Miss Georgia.”

“Hi, Miss Georgia,” Ian mutters, looking down at his feet and scuffing his foot angrily against the floor.

Alvin, predictably, is more excited. “Hi,” he says, a little breathless, moving forward and taking her hand, almost un-blinking as he stares up at her. “It’s so nice to meet you. I can’t wait to get started. Thank you for sending us all of the books. Which one is your favorite?”

Georgia smiles warmly at Alvin and the two chat for a minute as I bury my face against Victor’s shoulder, giggling with the cuteness of it all.

“What?” Victor asks, confused, smiling down at me and wanting to be in on the joke.

But before I can tell him, Georgia stands up straight and clears her throat. “Excuse me,” she begins, and I turn from Victor to give her my full attention. “But where should we get started?” She looks confusedly around at the packed house.

“Apologies for this,” Victor says, his Alpha nature kicking in to make him step forward and take polite control. “We’re in close quarters, these days, due to a fire at our larger residence. You’ll have to forgive us for that. But we set up a little classroom in the boys’ room upstairs that should suit you. Can we take you up?”

Georgia nods early and the five of us troupe upstairs, Ian dragging his feet with misery.

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