Unspoken Pleasure (erotica)

Just A Cop’s Cock: EP1

Note: The following story is Part 1 of a two part fictional tale of Romantic Incest that features sexual intercourse between a brother and his sisters as well as a father and his daughter. All the sexual intercourse described involves only people 18 yo and older. Part 2 is written and is ready for upload. If this story is not suitable for you, please kindly be patient for my next episode

Please enjoy… and I’d certainly would love hearing your opinions of the story (vote or public comment, thanks…


*** Scene 1: Emergency room, Mercy Hospital, Sunday night ***

“Oh Chriiiiiiiiiisst!” I screamed, or I thought I did.

“Constable? Constable Esposito?” I heard from somewhere behind the lights that seemed to be all around me. Then I saw a huge black woman menacingly appear through the glare.

“Don’t shoot bitch,” I tried to scream as her hands moved towards me.

“We gave him a shot… on the way over,” I heard from somewhere in the background.

“Get his clothes off,” another voice ordered.

I went away for a few seconds, then came back to find my uniform off… could feel the cool air on my chest. Saw the blood soaked bandage just next to my heart. Oh fuck, I moaned inwardly, slowly remembering.

“Cut off his shorts, hurry nurse,” I heard ordered in an authoritative, female voice that just had to belong to a doctor. Then I was suddenly aware of the pain coming from my groin. Watched as my boxer shorts were pulled from me. Saw the huge stain of red blood on them.

“Not my cock, please god, not my cock,” I begged, then tried to lift my head to see what damage I’d incurred.

“It’s still there Constable,” the doctors voice said as somebody’s hand tried to hold my head down.NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

“Don’t know how anyone could have missed it though,” another voice said, the black nurse I thought, a Jamaican. And even as I felt the four women hard at work on me around the table I couldn’t miss the giggles that had escaped from every mouth at the Jamaicans words.

“You just may live Constable,” the doctor’s voice said soothingly. “They missed your heart and just nicked your… your male attachment,” she finished, unable to keep the grin out of her voice.

“Your two most important organs,” the Jamaican added laughing.

“Certainly your biggest,” another voice interjected.

I suddenly realized I was surrounded by women. Fucking comedians. “I’m dying and I’m in the middle of fucking Comedy Central?” I protested weakly.

Then understanding what the doctor had said, muttered, “Just nicked my prick? Where?” I demanded, struggling again to lift myself so I could see.

I could feel fingers at my groin, then felt my penis and balls lifted to the side. “One bullet entered your chest and fortunately was deflected by a rib and away from your heart and out your side, a little blood, nothing too serious, a few stitches,” the doctor explained. “The other bullet seems to have just nicked the tip of your penis and then entered your thigh. It’s still in there.”

“In my cock?” I asked, my drug addled brain only getting every second word.

“No, the bullets lodged in your upper thigh. Fortunately it missed the main artery. We’re going to send you to surgery as soon as we get the X-rays. Should be a piece of cake constable.”

“Where’s the surgeon?”

“I’m Doctor O’Malley… I’m the surgeon,” she explained.

“Oh shit,” I groaned. “A broad shot me and now one wants to cut off my dick.”

“Women troubles Constable?” somebody asked.

“The story of my life,” I mumbled. Then I started to get a hard-on. No shit! I got a bullet in me, blood everywhere, I’m doped up and I got a friggin hard-on growing.

All five of them started to laugh, the doc, the Jamaican nurse, a small Asian nurse, a female orderly and the EMT tech, also a woman, who’d brought me in and was leaning against the wall observing.

“Looks like it still works Constable Esposito,” the big black woman said between guffaws. “Still don’t know how anyone coulda missed hitting it though.”

“Everything’s so big in America,” the little Filipino nurse agreed.

“Okay people, let’s get our favorite policeman into the surgery,” I heard Dr. O’Malley order.

“You know what you’re doing Doc?” I asked as someone started to wheel my bed down the corridor. “I mean, you’ve had lots of experience with penises?”

“I’m not so sure about that,” I heard in a chuckling Jamaican voice, “in fact I’m not sure our doctor has ever seen one quite like yours.”

“Jesus,” I mumbled, my last words before I went under.

*** Scene 2: Hospital room, Monday 10 a. m. ***

I had just awoken when the gang of white coated females trooped into my room the next morning. Drowsy and still drugged I had no idea where the hell I was, let alone who these people were standing around my bed and staring down at me.

“Who the fuck are you guys?” I grumbled, my head instantly throbbing the second I’d lifted it from the pillow.

“Are you feeling better this morning Constable Esposito?” a voice asked. It sounded familiar but I didn’t recognize the tall, red haired looker whose mouth had formed the words.

“Where the hell am I?” I demanded.

“Mercy General Hospital. You were brought in last night.”

“Hospital?” I asked but then started to remember. “Christ, my cock!”

“We didn’t have to amputate after all,” Dr. O’Malley said deadpan, a cute, quizzical grin on her lips.

“You’re the comedian,” I said pointing, “The sexy broad with the great body who thinks she’s funny.” None of the ladies surrounding my bed even broke into a smile. Most frowned.

“Constable Esposito was brought in last night, bullet wounds to his chest and groin,” the babe who was pretending to be a doctor said to the group of white jacketed girls who seemed to be paying a lot of attention to every word she said.

I went away for a minute, when I woke up again the tall broad was undoing a bandage on my chest while she talked. Christ, she’s the surgeon, I was shot, I suddenly remembered.

I listened as she described my chest wound as ‘minor’ to the group I finally understood to be interns. Christ, I wondered to myself, is everybody working in this hospital female.

I tuned back into the Doc’s words as she was saying, “Fortunately the assailants second shot lodged into the fleshy part of Constable Esposito’s inner thigh after just nicking the tip of his penis.” As she talked Doctor O’Malley was holding my cock in her hot little hand, first displaying its tip to the interns and then lifting it away from the wound below.

“Jesus doc,” I muttered as the group of interns crowded even closer around my bed, all their eyes boring into the shaft that was suddenly lengthening and hardening in the doctor’s warm palm.

“As you can see, the constable still has a fully functioning male member,” my surgeon told the gaping girls.

“I’ll say,” one mumbled as the rest nodded their heads in agreement.

After a couple of minutes more going over my wounds and treatment with the interns, Doctor O’Malley gently released my now throbbing cock and left the room followed by her students.

*** Scene 3: Hospital Room, Monday 4:00 p. m. ***

When I woke up in the afternoon the first thing I saw was Maria sitting in a chair next to my bed, holding my hand in her lap. I remembered everything.

“Johnnnnnie!” my older sister shrieked when she saw I was awake. Then she jumped up and leaned over and hugged me before she started to rain down a cascade of wet kisses all over my face.

“Hi honey,” I gasped as my sister’s hug brought a grimace of pain to my face. “Not so tight.”

“Oh Johnnie, I’m sorry,” she said as she jumped back and let me go. “Oh gosh, did I hurt you?”

“No, its okay,” I said with a grimace. “The doc said the one in my chest bounced off, just a scratch.”

“A scratch? Let me see,” she insisted as she pulled the sheet off my body and then undid the hospital gown. I had to order her to stop when she started to pull the tape off my chest wound.

“It has to stay covered honey; the doctor doesn’t want it infected.”

“What about your penis?” she asked. She was just in the process of lifting it off my thigh to inspect it when Dr. O’Malley burst through the door.

“What do you think you’re doing,” she squawked authoritatively at my sister.

Maria was not easily deterred. “And who the hell are you?” she demanded back, my cock still grasped in her left hand.

“I just happen to be this man’s doctor. He’s been shot if you haven’t noticed yet. Now get your hands off Constable Esposito and immediately explain just who the hell you are and what you’re doing here.” I couldn’t have helped but notice that Doc O’Malley looked darn pretty when she was angry but still felt she was in tough with my dark haired sis. I closed my eyes and pretended I was still out of it. My penis started to fill with blood as Maria continued to grasp it.

“You? A doctor? It’s impossible… you’re too young. Where’s the real doctor? Johnnie’s a policeman, he doesn’t have to settle for some wet behind the ears student,” my sister said indignantly. “Now go and get me someone who knows what he’s doing or I’ll call the police union president.” Meanwhile her hand was gently squeezing my penis.

Peeking, I could see that if I didn’t do something these two were going to be pulling hair and rassling on the floor soon.

“Dr. O’Malley?” I said while I waved a hand to try and attract my now irate surgeon’s attention. A nurse rushed into the room as I talked.

“Nurse, who is this woman? Why is she here? Call security,” the good doctor ordered.

“But Dr. O’Malley,” the young nurse protested.

“No buts nurse, I want this pervert out of this room immediately.”

“PERVERT!” my sweet sister screamed.

I was tempted to close my eyes again and ignore them but finally decided I didn’t want my doctor and sister carted off to jail. So instead I simply yelled, “HELP!”

“What is it?” the two women asked at the same time as they turned to look at me. Their eyes were flashing in anger.

“Dr. O’Malley, may I introduce my sister, Mrs. Maria Paolina Cattini. Hon, this is the world famous penile surgeon, Dr. Katherine O’Malley.”

“Your sister?”

“World famous? Her? What is she, Irish or something?” Sis asked with a sneer.

“Why was she touching your penis?” my doc demanded.

“Why is some weird looking Irish girl operating on a man’s penis?” my sister shot back.

“She was touching his penis?” the young, bewildered nurse asked.

“Weird looking?” Doctor O’Malley croaked.

“I need a pain killer,” I said softly, then closed my eyes.

“Get him a pill,” my doctor ordered and then turned to leave the room.

“Oh no you don’t,” I heard Maria yell, her Italian/American anger fully roused, “I’ve got some questions for you lady.”

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