Unspoken Pleasure (erotica)

Just A Cop’s Cock: EP2

I opened my eyes just in time to see my sister rushing to follow the swiftly departing doc. Then I noticed that my little nurse was staring open mouthed at my penis.

Finally she looked up and saw me watching her. “Somebody tried to shoot it?” she asked.

“It’s a long story,” I said with a grin.

“How long?’ she asked, her eyes darting back to my groin.


*** Scene 4: Hospital Room, Monday, 9:30 p. m. ***

“I’m not leaving,” my younger sister, eighteen year old Rosetta Lucia Esposito, insisted to the nurse who was trying to shoo her from the room. Rosie had got there an hour earlier but had been standing quietly in the corner waiting as a parade of my friends and fellow cops had passed through the room.

“Visitors hours are over Miss,” the pretty Asian nurse insisted.

“He’s my brother and I’m not leaving,” Rosie insisted rather belligerently as she grabbed my hand and sat down in the chair next to my bed.

“I’ll have to call security Miss,” the nurse warned but I could tell her heart wasn’t in it.

“Johnnie’s a policeman… the mayor gave him a medal three months ago, for bravery… we’re not afraid of some play cop,” Rosie announced in an authoritative voice that belied her age and her normally sweet disposition.

“Rosie, maybe you better-” I started.

“I’m not leaving,” Rosie stated, but then almost leapt from the seat and embraced me. “Oh Johnnie, what if they’d killed you?” she asked as the tears started to flow from her eyes.

Rosie stayed the night! In the chair next to the bed. At least most of the night.

Drugged I slept through most of the night but did wake momentarily sometime after two a. m. and saw Rosie was talking quietly to a nurse I didn’t recognize, the two of them huddled standing at the side of my bed.

“You’re sure it’s all right? You’re sure Johnnie’s going to be able to… to you know-”

“Have sex? Father children?” the nurse asked.

“Yes,” Rosie whispered, her eyes flicking to my face to make sure I was still asleep.

“Oh don’t worry about that, Jenny, she’s the day nurse, she told me he was hard as a rock most of the morning. All the nurses were sneaking in to get a peek.”

“Why, is something wrong with it?” my befuddled sister asked.

“Honey there isn’t anything wrong with your brother’s penis. I mean look at it,” the nurse said and then I felt her hand circle my cock. “Haven’t you ever seen it before? How many penises have you seen anyway?”

“I’ve never seen any,” my innocent sister protested.

“Well you’re not going to see many nicer than this one,” the nurse announced, then offered, “here, put it in your hand.”

“But he’s my brother,” my sister protested even as her fingers reached for me.

Oh fuck I thought, my innocent little eighteen year old Catholic School going sister is touching my cock. And in about five seconds I’m going to start hardening.

“These are his balls,” I heard the nurse instruct Rosie. “Here, hold them… yup, that’s right. You know, I wouldn’t mind jumping on your brother right now.”

“He’s sick,” my sister protested, the last words I heard before I conked out again.

Rosie was sleeping innocently in the chair by my bed when I awoke just after eight the next morning.

*** Scene 5: Hospital Room, Tuesday, late afternoon ***

“Are they gone?” Doctor O’Malley asked with a twinkle in her eye as she watched me from the doorway.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“Who?” I asked, surprised at how happy I was to see the good doc.

“The ferocious Esposito sisters. Are there only two?” she asked as she walked toward the bed. She looked gorgeous. “I understand a second one showed up last night and ran off the nursing staff.”

“You’re pretty tall, aren’t you?” I asked as I let my eyes roam up and down her body. It was hard to tell just what her tits looked like hidden as they were under the buttoned up white coat.

“For a woman, you mean?”

“I’d heard all Penile Surgeons were short,” I answered grinning.

“Did you Constable? And how many penile surgeons do you know?” she challenged back with a smile and then lifted my sheet away and raised my hospital gown. “Well it’s still there… and gee whiz, will you look at that, for once it isn’t hard,” she finished as she lifted it up and inspected it.

However that wasn’t true for long! “When can I go home doc?” I asked as I lengthened in her hand.

“Probably Saturday, if there aren’t any complications, we’ll see,” she answered as her other hand lifted the bandage from my inner thigh. She still had my cock held firmly in my other hand.

“It looks good, the wounds closed… no infection,” she said absentmindedly as she gently touched my thigh.

“What about sex?” I asked, “I mean will I be able to do it fairly soon?”

“They told me you weren’t married Constable… premarital sex shouldn’t be an issue for a good Catholic boy like you,” she said with a grin, then released my penis and covered me up. None too soon either as it turned out. A couple of seconds later my hospital room door banged open.

“Christ, here you are. I’ve been looking for you for a good half hour.” It was one of those voices that just grate on you, high and whiney, and it came from a short, prematurely bald guy who stood in the doorway, an angry glare on his face.

“Who the fuck are you?” I demanded, royally pissed off at this jerk who was breaking into my quality time with the good doc.

“Oh Graham, this is the police officer who was shot, the one I was telling you about, Constable Esposito,” Doctor Kathy O’Malley announced to the guy at the door. Then she turned to me and said, “Johnny, this is Geoff Moody, my husband.”

“Doctor Geoffrey Moody, Head Urologist,” the asshole said pompously, then added, “hurry up Katherine, if we don’t rush we’re going to be late for the ballet. Go and get changed and come up to my office when you’re done here,” he ordered, then turned and left the room.

“You’re married? To him? The fuckin ballet,” I spat out staccato like. “He’s bald. And like five foot tall,” I added. “Hurry fuckin up? What about the goddam patients,” I said, quickly coming to a boil.

“He’s not bald! And he’s five-seven,” Kathy retorted, a blush spreading on her cheeks.

“Your children will all be midgets,” I said, “And why the hell is he a Moody and you’re an O’Malley?”

“I kept my maiden name… for professional reasons. Now you be good, I’ve got to go. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she finished, then turned to go.

“A midget urologist? I told you most penile surgeons were short,” I shouted to her retreating back.

*** Scene 6: Hospital Room, Wednesday Afternoon ***

Her long, curly, red hair was unpinned and riding wildly on her shoulders when the Doctor swept into my room the next afternoon, a ferocious scowl on her face. Her white jacket, which I’d only ever seen tightly closed, was unbuttoned and flapping open, revealing a soft, light green, cashmere sweater under which two perfectly sized breasts were moving quite delightedly.

“Hi?” I ventured, the question clear in my voice, my eyes flicking back and forth between her face and her luscious breasts.

“They’re all asses. Dumb old men who don’t have a fucking clue,” she muttered as she lifted my sheet.

“Hospital politics?” I guessed.

“They should take a few of them out and shoot them,” she added as she pulled the bandage from my chest, taking my last few remaining chest hairs off with the tape.


“Sorry,” she apologized. “It’s just some of these idiots think we’re back in the stone age. Don’t they realize that in five years there are going to be more women doctors than men in this country?”

“You smell nice,” I said, ignoring her complaint.

“I do?”

“Uh huh. Sexy hair too. And doc, to be a green sweater right now,” I finished, then gave her a wolf’s whistle.

“Shut up you,” she ordered, but there was a smile on her lipsticked lips when she added, “and try not to get an erection today.”

“Too late doc,” I answered smiling as we both watched my penis jump upwards when she lowered the sheet to my knees and freed him.

She licked her lips involuntarily even as she muttered a protesting, “Hummmmmh.”

“So how was the ballet?” I asked as she inspected my cockhead.

“I hate the ballet… I just go because Geoffrey insists.”

“Me too… I mean I hate it too, well, I don’t like him much either,” I answered, “It’s Broadway for me.”

“You like the theatre?” she asked, both surprise and interest in her voice.

“You too?”

“Daddy used to take me, like from the time I was four,” Doc O’Malley said wistfully. And, over the next three or four minutes, as stories of shows seen spilled from both our lips, tales of performances and performers we’d seen, Katherine O’Malley’s fingers stayed circled around my penis. And in fact, at some point her hand started to gently move up and down my straining shaft, pumping me even as she was lost in nostalgic reminiscing.

Suddenly realizing what she’d been doing, she released me and jumped back from the bed.

“So, am I going to be able to have sex soon? You never answered in your rush to leave last night,” I asked, a clear challenge in my voice.

But it’s very hard to disconcert a surgeon, even a beautiful female one, and in seconds, composed again, she approached the bed and grasped my penis firmly in her hand and turned it so it was facing up towards my eyes.

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